Wildlife rangers are some of the most undervalued frontline workers in the world. They lack funding, proper training, and equipment to do their jobs effectively. We aim to bridge these gaps by providing critical skills training, life-saving medical training, education, and equipment donations.
We stand with our world's rangers.
Globally, wildlife rangers are an underrepresented, undervalued profession that desperately needs help. Rangers are not recognized by labor organizations and they are often not paid well, with few benefits, and are expected to spend weeks or months at a time away from their families in very remote, rugged, dangerous conditions.
Depending on the region, many ranger units don't have access to appropriate or updated training and are poorly equipped to do their jobs. Basic items such as work boots, uniforms, or ruck sacks are commonly worn until they are completely unusable because units can't afford to replace them.
Generally, in government-ran parks or protected areas, ranger units struggle to obtain funding. Worldwide, there is a lack of funding emphasis on environmental issues, and consequently ranger welfare is not typically a priority.
We see it as our duty to contribute in this space with our time, efforts, knowledge and funding. Our world's rangers are protecting our most precious resources and they should be afforded the respect, professional training, and proper equipment to fulfill their duties safely and effectively.

Our current focus has been providing ranger-specific medical training, free of charge, to as many ranger units as possible. Created in collaboration with The Paradocx, the Ranger Casualty Care Course (RCCC) emerged as a key initiative specifically designed to address the critical training needs of rangers. We integrate comprehensive trauma training with unconventional evacuation platforms, ensuring effectiveness even in the most hazardous and dimly lit environments.
1 in 7 wildlife rangers across Africa is critically injured in the field during his or her career. Sadly, many rangers receive very basic first aid training, if they receive any at all. Moreover, rangers often work in remote areas, making training even more important. Considering the dangers rangers face every day from wildlife, poaching, and some cases, armed combatants, it's essential that we give them the skills and equipment necessary to save each other's lives.
RCCC teaches students to identify potentially life-threatening injuries, react and work as a team, and understand how to use their equipment to treat patients. Students learn from instructors using state of the art equipment made by Battlefield Partners here in South Africa. Upon course completion, we donate IFAKs (individual first aid kits) to the unit. We rely entirely upon donations for the medical equipment and we thank you for your support!
If you are interested in donating funds or medical equipment, please reach out!

Kids to Kruger
Our current community-related fundraising objective is to bring local children on educational field trips into Kruger National Park. The more we educate our youth, the more we can inspire the next generations of wildlife rangers!