Anti-poaching K9s are trained working dogs used for tracking poachers and detecting illegal substances. These dogs receive specialized training to detect specific scents associated with illegal poaching, such as rhino horn (keratin) or ivory. Their keen sense of smell and ability to work in challenging terrain make them invaluable partners in conservation efforts against wildlife crime.
K9s protect African wildlife and biodiversity.
Our Puppy Program pilot has been a huge success! Since we started this pilot program, we have purchased and donated one fully trained working dog to a wildlife reserve in desperate need and we have been actively training Shadow, Kora, and Jack. They are making phenomenal progress and we are so proud of them! All of our dogs will have focused training on specific skillsets such as man-tracking or detection and will be used for wildlife conservation and crime-related matters in our region.
Shadow, 1 1/2 year old Dutch Shepherd is excelling in the detection of ammunition and is now working on rhino horn and pangolin scales. She began her work with our trainers this February and has been nothing short of incredible. Shadow is also capable of man-tracking, but after discovering how quickly she was learning detection, we decided this was clearly the skill we should focus on. She has now mastered open area searches, vehicle searches, and is currently working on house searches. This will allow our team to locate illegal substances at poaching and crime scenes.
Jack and Kora (brother and sister) are 9 month old 1/2 Dutch Shepard and 1/2 Belgian Malinois. Both of these pups began their tracking training in February this year as 4 month old pups. They have both progressed to executing long-distance, aged tracks. Their focus is entirely on tracking and as they continue to learn and grow, additional challenges are added to increase their skills. So far, they have conquered all of them and their futures both look very promising.

Our monthly donors will support the following:
Dog food
Veterinarian bills
Skills training
Field operations
Kennel construction
Kennel maintenance
Dog handler
If you are interested in making a larger donation or fully sponsoring a dog for donation to a reserve, please send us an email and we'd be happy to chat.

These working dogs are absolute game changers for conservation. They can track poaching suspects at running speeds on tracks that can be as old as 20 hours. They can perform these tasks during hours of darkness, low visibility conditions, and through populated areas. In Kruger National Park, 90% of poacher apprehensions were successful due to the use of working dogs, displaying their effectiveness as conservation tools.
It's safe to say that without wildlife rangers and working dogs in these areas, wildlife populations would be decimated. Corrupt governments in these regions provide a dismal amount of support despite the fact that wildlife tourism is often one of the primary sources of national revenue.
As we work towards changing policy, it is critical that we support these heroes on the ground or the next generations will never get to see elephants, rhino, lion, cheetah, and many more species. We live in this region and we get to see first-hand the unfortunate reality of our situation. Without our wildlife and healthy ecosystems, all life faces a grim future. Help us change the direction of the future for our wildlife, our children, and all those that follow.

Shadow is a nine month old Dutch Shepherd who has completed tracking training and apprehension training. She is our first dog and will be staying on the SFW team. Shadow will assist with local anti-poaching efforts and get involved in other community programs that benefit conservation initiatives in our immediate region. When Shadow isn't tracking, she enjoys playing ball with her handler.

Jack is a 12-week-old Belgian Malinois puppy and Kora's brother. He has just begun his training. He has a big personality and is definitely going to be a handful as he gets bigger. Once Jack grows into his huge ears and paws, he will be a force to be reckoned with in the bush. As of now, he has received some introductory obedience and tracking training and will eventually complete comprehensive training in both.

Kora is a 12-week-old Belgian Malinois puppy and Jack's sister. She has gone through the same tracking and obedience training Jack has will continue on the same training trajectory as him. Kora will likely stay on with the SFW team and participate in local and regional conservation initiatives. Even though Kora is a puppy, you can see the determination and intensity in her eyes when she's training. She has a lot of energy and loves to terrorize Jack in her off time.

SFW is currently conducting a pilot iteration to test the feasibility of our Puppy Program vision. We have sponsored working dog training and handler training for other organizations and reserves in the past, and these dogs are a conservation tool we truly believe in.
Furthermore, we have personally observed the need for working dogs in Southern Africa and we have the ability to contribute in this space. As a result, we decided to start our own program!
As we begin this trial phase with our first three dogs, we are excited to see what the future holds for us. Whether it's local checkpoints inspecting vehicles for illegal wildlife part smuggling, or accompanying volunteers on a snare sweep, there are many opportunities for these dogs to contribute. We are looking forward to seeing the positive impact these working dogs have on conservation efforts in our area.
If you are interested in supporting our Puppy Program, please click the button below. Along with funding professional training, donations will pay for expenses related to the care and raising of the puppies; including food, veterinarian bills, handler training, kennel maintenance, etc.